Book Club - The Private Eye Volume One

Now that we're going to be spending a lot of time at home, we need something to fill in the time. As a whole class, here are some media that we could all consume together. I've called this a book club, but they needn't be books.

The Private Eye by Brian K. Vaughan, Marcos Martin and Muntsa Vicente.
This is a comic set in a future where there is no internet.

To access this comic, click here. (If the link doesn't work, on Google search 'Private Eye comic' and it should be the first result).
Scroll down to 'THE PRIVATE EYE VOLUME ONE (Issues One to Five)' and click BUY NOW. A window will appear that says 'Name your price'. Type the number 0 into the box and click 'Download now', like so:
It will take you to this page. Click PDF next to English.
Write your answers down and be prepared to discuss them in class.
Before you read Volume One:
1. What are the present dangers of the Internet that concern you?
2. Can you make any predictions about what the Internet will look like 50 years from now?
3. Would would the consequences possibly be if we shut down the Internet globally?
4. What are the current responsibilities of the news media?
5. The news media (also called 'the press') is often referred to as a 'watchdog'. In what ways could the press be like a watchdog?

While you read, write down some of the predictions that the comic makes.
What does the technology look like?
How does society behave?
Which companies/brands still exist in the future?

After you read Volume One:
1. Look at the predictions that you wrote down. Which ones do you think are plausible? Which do you think will never happen?
2. Do you think that their fears about people knowing their identities are warranted? What is the worst that could happen?
3. Consider the role that the Press plays in this society. Why do you think the authors gave them this role? Do you think that this could happen in the future? 
4. What do you imagine the villain's plan is? What do you think will happen next?
